The importance of skilled nursing care
Earlier this year, the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College found that one in four individuals aged 65 and older will have such severe medical needs that, at some point in the coming years, they’ll require high-intensity support for a period of three years...
6 Easy Steps to Aid Healthy Aging
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there will be over 2 billion people in the world aged 60 or older by 2050, up from 900 million just six years ago. This is a lot of people—and if given the choice, the majority of these people will choose to age into...
Improving Your Life as a Senior: 7 Benefits of Occupational Therapy
Occupational therapy can be prescribed during any stage of life. It helps people recover, maintain, or develop the skills required to perform everyday activities. These services can be uniquely beneficial to aged populations. Read on to find out about just seven of...
Avoid Sedentary Lifestyle Risks: It’s Time to Become More Active
It’s time to become more active—but how? Transitioning from a sedentary lifestyle to a more active one provides a variety of a health benefits, and is of enhanced importance as we grow older. Everyone understands this and is aware of the risks that comes with a...