Don’t Let These Problems Prevent You From Eating Healthfully
By Consumer Reports Source: Washington Post Healthy eating can be difficult for anyone, but it’s particularly challenging as we get older. The diet of the average American over 65 is too low in whole fruits, vegetables, beans, whole grains, heart-healthy oils and...
How to Stay Safe During Exercise and Physical Activity
Source: Go4Life from the National Institute on Aging Almost anyone, at any age, can exercise safely and get meaningful benefits. You can be active even if you have a chronic condition, like heart disease, diabetes, or arthritis. Staying safe while you exercise is...
Leafy Greens Linked With Slower Age-Related Cognitive Decline
Source: National Institute on Aging A recent report in the journal Neurology found that a diet containing approximately one serving of green leafy vegetables per day is associated with slower age-related cognitive decline. Dr. Martha Clare Morris and colleagues from...
Want to Protect Your Brain? Start With Your Heart
Source: AARP by Betsy Agnvall Taking steps to strengthen your heart yields a bonus—you’ll be protecting your brain as well. It turns out that heart and brain health are inexorably linked, according to a new Global Council on Brain Health (GCBH) report on brain health...