The GUILD’s Annual Christmas Celebration Luncheon

The GUILD’s Annual Christmas Celebration Luncheon

The Guild’s Annual Christmas Celebration Luncheon and Fund Raiser is always a FUN EVENT!  and everyone is welcome. General admission is only $3 a person.  Lunch is provided, and there will be several theme baskets to bid on, door prizes, and a special musical program...
The GreenFields Holiday Bazaar

The GreenFields Holiday Bazaar

Christmas Shopping at The GreenFields You can enjoy an afternoon of shopping at The GreenFields, and get all your holiday shopping taken care of in one visit. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2011 9:00am – 3:00 pm THE GREENFIELDS CONTINUING CARE COMMUNITY 5949 Broadway –...
FREE Seminar- Identifying People at Risk for Falls

FREE Seminar- Identifying People at Risk for Falls

Identifying Older Adults at Risk for FALLS  is the topic of a recently scheduled FREE seminar to be held at GreenField Health & Rehabilitation Center (5949 Broadway, Lancaster NY)  in March. You will Learn how to predict and prevent disastrous falls for you or a...

Holiday Bazaar & Afternoon of Home Parties

One-stop Holiday shopping — featuring more than 40 vendors including Celebrating Home, Avon, Tupperware, Tastefully Simple, PLUS crafts, jewelry, home decor, cookies, candy, quilts & more! This event continues to be popular. Every year more vendors and more people...
The GreenFields FREE Summer Concerts

The GreenFields FREE Summer Concerts

The GreenFields FREE Summer Concert Series is underway at the Gazebo at The GreenFields – 5949 Broadway, Lancaster. Concerts on the lawn start promptly at 6:30 pm. There’s a link to the schedule on our website’s sidebar. We encourage you to come to this summer-time...
The GreenFields resident


5959 Broadway
Lancaster, NY 14086

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Niagara Lutheran Health Foundation

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