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HERE’S HOW YOU CAN FIND US ON FACEBOOK: USE THE URL:  www.Facebook.com/TheGreenFieldsCCC SEARCH ON FACEBOOK FOR:  The GreenFields Continuing Care Commnunity We hope you’ll check us out and become a Fan.  We’ll keep you up-to-date on happenings around the Health...

Giving to Others

The spirit of Christmas is alive and well at GreenField Health & Rehabilitation Center in Lancaster, an affiliate of the Niagara Lutheran Health System. And, families going through tough times will be the beneficiaries. This facility-wide project goes on all year....

Holiday Bazaar & Afternoon of Home Parties

One-stop Holiday shopping — featuring more than 40 vendors including Celebrating Home, Avon, Tupperware, Tastefully Simple, PLUS crafts, jewelry, home decor, cookies, candy, quilts & more! This event continues to be popular. Every year more vendors and more people...
Residents Enjoy Home-Style Dining

Residents Enjoy Home-Style Dining

Mealtime is often the most anticipated part of the day for most of us, and it is no different for residents of the Niagara Lutheran Health System’s (NLHS) affiliates. Residents at GreenField Health & Rehabilitation Center (GHRC) now enjoy the aromas and freshness...
Trustee Gerald C. Saxe receives Trustee of the Year Award

Trustee Gerald C. Saxe receives Trustee of the Year Award

Niagara Lutheran Health Foundation Trustee Gerald C. Saxe, Vice Chairman of M & T Insurance Agency, was presented with a 2009 Trustee of the Year Award from the New York Association of Homes & Services for the Aging (NYAHSA). NYAHSA President, Mr. Carl Young,...
The GreenFields FREE Summer Concerts

The GreenFields FREE Summer Concerts

The GreenFields FREE Summer Concert Series is underway at the Gazebo at The GreenFields – 5949 Broadway, Lancaster. Concerts on the lawn start promptly at 6:30 pm. There’s a link to the schedule on our website’s sidebar. We encourage you to come to this summer-time...
Health Care Professionals from France visit The GreenFields

Health Care Professionals from France visit The GreenFields

On July 8, 2009, six health professionals from Buffalo’s sister City in Lille, France and Belgium visited The GreenFields Continuing Care Community in Lancaster, an affiliate of the Niagara Lutheran Health System.  Visitors were impressed with the size and quality of...
The GreenFields Continuing Care Community

The GreenFields Continuing Care Community

The GreenFields Continuing Care Community is located on 52 beautiful acres in Lancaster, New York, a town rich in history and recognized as one of the safest communities in the nation. The GreenFields Continuing Care Community consists of four separate, yet...