
Memory Care available at GreenField Terrace

Terrace courtyard

Residents with Alzheimer’s and dementia require specially-trained care and facilities designed with their needs in mind. GreenField Terrace consists of four houses surrounding an enclosed courtyard, allowing residents to garden and enjoy the outdoors without risk of wandering. Three of the houses offer memory care assisted living for those with a diagnosis of dementia. Residents receive medical supervision, opportunities for specialized programs and activities, additional security measures, as well as emotional and spiritual support.

With only 12 rooms per house, more individualized attention is provided in a comfortable, less-structured environment. At GreenField Terrace, the focus is on the person, not a schedule.

Each house includes a fully-equipped kitchen where residents may help with meal preparation, if they choose, and a dining room. Amemities include a living room with a fireplace and library, a private sitting area, a beauty salon and barber shop, and outdoor patios and gardens.

If you would like to learn more about GreenField Terrace, click here.

The GreenFields resident


5959 Broadway
Lancaster, NY 14086

The Niagara Lutheran Health System does not discriminate in the admittance of residents or the hiring of employees relative to age, race, creed, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, sexual preference gender, gender identity, blindness, handicap, sponsor, marital status, or religion.

Niagara Lutheran Health Foundation

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