
Judy’s Corner: A Letter From Our Guild President – October 2017

Fall Greetings everyone,

Our summer is officially over, but warm weather is still around us. What a lovely, warm September for us, but sad for our southern neighbors. Our prayers go out to all of the areas affected by the incredible hurricanes that devastated so many people and their homes.

At our September meeting we had 77 people in attendance. It was a wonderful crowd to begin anew after our summer break. Pastor Jeff Nickel from Holy Cross, Clarence shared his words with us with a “fowl” devotion. He used many birds as metaphors from the book of Isaiah. He let us know that God is there for us and will lift us up on eagles wings. Thank you to him for leading devotions and to the ladies from Holy Cross for the great array of delicious cookies that they brought. Our theme for the day was a patriotic one with red, white, and blue for the table decorations. Even the lunch went with the theme, with a big red tomato stuffed with chicken salad, a roll, and colorful fruit. Thank you to the staff for a wonderful lunch and to Florence Doran who has been working with them and together coming up with some new and creative lunches. Great job! I know I enjoy them! Thank you to Florence for all that you do! She also connects with staff to make sure we have the tables and equipment we need, along with the centerpieces and napkins. Kudos, Florence!

We proceeded with our speaker, Helen Markham, who gave us a bit of a history lesson on Mount Rushmore. She is an excellent speaker, whom we have had before to speak on other subjects. This presentation was no exception. We learned that it took seventeen years to sculpt the granite. Amazing for that time in history to accomplish this magnificent work. It cost $989,992.32 and was finished in 1941. Interesting facts are that the presidents depicted were not for their honor, but Washington was for the birth of our nation, Jefferson was for the growth of our nation, Lincoln was for the preservation of our nation, and Roosevelt for the development of our nation. Everyone really enjoyed her talk.

I have written to the different administrators at all of our facilities at The GreenFields regarding potential projects or equipment that would serve the residents that we could possibly fund. A lot of chatter has been going on with suggestions, but at this time nothing is in writing. I will keep you posted, as I’m sure future projects are in the works that will spend down our account. Our Guild board is presently working on gifts for our residents for Christmas. We are thinking about going back to our roots where the interaction existed. We would like to have volunteers greet the residents and personally present them a gift and wish them a Merry Christmas. A preliminary show of many hands at our last meeting makes this a viable endeavor. We will let you know the date and time as it gets closer to Christmas.

The Holiday Bazaar is November 11th! We again will sell baked goods. Sign-up sheets will be available at our October meeting. Also, if you need pick-up, just let us know and we can certainly accommodate you. Florence Doran’s house is one drop-off point or we can come directly to your house.

– Peace and God’s Blessings to all!  – Judy

God’s blessings to all! We pray especially for Karen Overhoff, the family of Charles Blackwell, and any other members experiencing the loss of a loved one, with medical needs for themselves or are caring for the medical needs of another.


The GreenFields resident


5959 Broadway
Lancaster, NY 14086

The Niagara Lutheran Health System does not discriminate in the admittance of residents or the hiring of employees relative to age, race, creed, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, sexual preference gender, gender identity, blindness, handicap, sponsor, marital status, or religion.

Niagara Lutheran Health Foundation

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