
GreenField Manor Hosts Palliative Care Seminar

Left to right: Chris Koenig, President/CEO of Niagara Lutheran Health System; Sandra Lauer, Director of Continuing Care at Erie County Medical Center (ECMC); Dr. Katie Grimm, Palliative Care Physician at ECMC; Saralin Tiedeman, Millennium Collaborative Care; Barb Johnson, McGuire Group

Left to right: Chris Koenig, President/CEO of Niagara Lutheran Health System; Sandra Lauer, Director of Continuing Care at Erie County Medical Center (ECMC); Dr. Katie Grimm, Director of Palliative Medicine at ECMC; Saralin Tiedeman, Millennium Collaborative Care; Barb Johnson, McGuire Group


On Tuesday, July 26, Millennium Collaborative Care hosted a Post-Acute Care Advance Care Planning Training Session at GreenField Manor.

Having conversations with patients and families about their wishes surrounding treatment, care, and life-sustaining measures can be difficult. This session gave valuable information, skills, and tools to assist with this process.

Entitled Having Value-Based Conversations with Patients and Families, this session helped to develop the skills necessary for having quality discussions about advance care planning. It relayed a thorough understanding of the advance care planning spectrum and fundamentals of conducting effective, values-based conversations.

Also covered during this session were:

Techniques for engaging patients and families in End of Life discussions

Strategies to create patient-centered advance directives

Resources available to assist in patient engagement and planning process

To learn more, you can contact The GreenFields here or visit www.millenniumcc.org

The GreenFields resident


5959 Broadway
Lancaster, NY 14086

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