About Niagara Lutheran Health Foundation
The Niagara Lutheran Health Foundation exists because costs to care for our residents and maintain and expand our health system facilities are constantly increasing. Funds raised by the foundation help to improve the quality of life for our residents and the work environment for our caregivers by contributing toward the purchase of necessary equipment, programs and furnishings.
The Niagara Lutheran Health Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Every gift is used to help others, while providing you with tax advantages, as all gifts are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law. We look forward to assisting you in the selection of gift opportunities that best meet your financial and charitable goals.
Your generosity impacts lives, because more than 40 percent of our skilled nursing residents cannot afford to pay for their care and must rely on Medicaid reimbursements. However, the New York state reimbursement system does not come close to covering our cost of providing care, and the gap between the reimbursement we receive and our cost to provide care to a single resident for one year is more than $30,000.
Whatever your reason for giving, you can know that your donation is for all the right reasons when you give to the Niagara Lutheran Health Foundation! Your charitable contributions enable us to continue our mission of caring for those who can no longer care for themselves, and ensures that quality care is available in our community.
Gift Options
- Cash – Gifts of cash entitle you to an immediate charitable income tax deduction.
- Stock and Other Appreciated Securities – Gifts entitle you to an immediate charitable deduction of full fair market value.
- Gift of Personal Property – Gifts entitle you to a charitable deduction based on full fair market value.
- Life Insurance – Gifts entitle you to a current income tax deduction, plus possible future deductions through gifts to pay policy premiums.
- Retirement Assets – Avoids income and estate tax.
- Real Estate – Gifts entitle you to an immediate income tax deduction and the reduction or elimination of capital gains tax.
- Retained Life Estate (give your residence, vacation home, etc. now, but continue to live there) – Gifts entitle you to a charitable deduction and lifetime use of residence.
- Trusts and Annuities – Gifts entitle you to a charitable income tax deduction, income, reduction of taxable estate, and other benefits.
- Bequests in Will – Donation is exempt from federal estate tax, and you retain control of your asset for your lifetime. Learn about our Legacies for Life Planned Giving Program.

How to Donate
Gifts and pledges may be fulfilled with a credit card, check, via transfer of stock or through United Way’s Donor Choice program. Pledges may be made over the next year; just tell us how much you would like to pledge and how you would like to be billed (monthly, quarterly, twice a year, in one installment in a specific month, etc.).
Gifts may be made without restriction or designated to support a specific purpose. Gifts may be offered in honor or in memory of a loved one, and a variety of recognition opportunities exist, including the naming of a building, room or program, and the placement of tribute plaques in our health system facilities.
Donations may be made online, or you may make a contribution payable to:
Niagara Lutheran Health Foundation
5959 Broadway
Lancaster, NY 14086
Phone: 716.684.0202 | Fax: 716.206.0484
E-mail: foundation@niagaralutheran.org
The GEM Society
The foundation currently has a small but growing number of donors who make a monthly gift to the foundation by allowing us to charge their credit or debit card with a set amount on the 15th of each month. Donors like monthly giving because regular donations can be made in affordable monthly payments, and they save postage and time.
Many donors also like participating in a monthly giving program because they can easily increase, decrease, pause or stop their gift at any time. Monthly giving is also very advantageous to the foundation because it keeps our postage and administrative costs down, strengthens our long-term relationships with donors, and increases our annual income by reducing attrition rates.