
FREE Seminar- Identifying People at Risk for Falls

Identifying Older Adults at Risk for FALLS  is the topic of a recently scheduled FREE seminar to be held at GreenField Health & Rehabilitation Center (5949 Broadway, Lancaster NY)  in March.

You will Learn how to predict and prevent disastrous falls for you or a loved one.  This is important because statistics show that one in three older adults will experience a life-changing fall this year.

Enjoy refreshments with us and have your questions answered by professionals.  The date is Wednesday, March 24, 2010, from 1:30 – 2:30 p.m.

Call 684-3000, ext. 320 to register.

This free seminar is part of the WNY Falls Prevention “Step up to Stop Falls” initiative. Presenters are from Learning Partners & the GreenFields Outpatient Clinic :

– Michele Karnes, MS, OTR

– Theresa Vallone, MS, OTR

– Dawn Rezak, PT, MBA, Dir Rehab Services

– Jackie Lipford-Kraus, PT, Assistant Dir. Rehab Services

The GreenFields resident


5959 Broadway
Lancaster, NY 14086

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Niagara Lutheran Health Foundation

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