
Am I Ready For Senior Community Living?

Assisted Living - seniors take part in a range of activitiesBefore you say “I’m not ready for a retirement community,” you owe it to yourself to answer these questions:

What is it I’m not ready for?
Often, people confuse moving to a retirement community with giving up all the things they hold dear. We think you may find today’s retirement commu­nities to be far different than you might have imagined. They’re for people who want to maintain their independence, expand their horizons, and make their own decisions. So residents enjoy life more — not less.

How will I know when I’ll be ready?
Do you worry about home maintenance? Are you tired of shopping and pre­paring meals? Do you have health concerns? Are you troubled about per­sonal safety and the security of your home? Would you like to explore new interests and meet new friends? If so, now is the time to experience the free­dom a service-enriched retirement lifestyle can offer you.

Why should I consider a move if I’m still healthy?
Can you think of a better time to move? Most people need to make hous­ing adjustments as they grow older, and our residents tell us they’re glad they decided to move while this important decision was still theirs to make. You’ve planned ahead your whole life, so don’t wait until a crisis forces you or your loved ones into a decision you haven’t prepared for.

Isn’t a retirement community for “old people?”
Throw away your misconceptions about retirement living. Senior living com­munities are service-enriched residential communities, not an institution or rest home! Enjoy the advantages of an independent lifestyle within a com­fortable and burden-free environment. You’ll free yourself from the daily concerns of meal planning, home repairs, and maintenance, while filling your time with new friends and a variety of social, cultural and recreational op­portunities.


About The GreenFields Continuing Care Community:

The GreenFields Continuing Care Community in Lancaster, NY provides residential living at GreenField Manor and assisted living at GreenField Court. GreenField Terrace provides memory care and enhanced assisted living. GreenField Health & Rehabilitation Center provides 24-hour skilled nursing care, dementia care, respite care and myriad rehabilitation services.

The GreenFields resident


5959 Broadway
Lancaster, NY 14086

The Niagara Lutheran Health System does not discriminate in the admittance of residents or the hiring of employees relative to age, race, creed, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, sexual preference gender, gender identity, blindness, handicap, sponsor, marital status, or religion.

Niagara Lutheran Health Foundation

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