
Judy’s Corner: A Letter From our Guild President – March 2017

Judys CornerHappy think Spring to you,

Believe it or not, it’s almost here, along with St. Patrick’s Day! Yes, our winter is almost over, Christmas season has passed, and the Lenten season is soon upon us. Time for us to reflect as we prepare for our risen Lord.

Your Guild board members enjoyed a winter break right along with you, but still managed to be active in some of the Guild’s functions. We put together a letter requesting our annual dues. Unfortunately, there was some oversight and a few people got them who had already paid for the year. We tried to save postage and thought we had removed the ones who had paid. This would normally not be a problem, but we forgot to include a disclosure stating that if you already paid your dues to disregard the letter. We are truly sorry if that confused or upset anyone. Next year it will be corrected. We have gotten a much better response for dues payments with the letter instead of just inserting an envelope in your February newsletter. We are still inserting an envelope in our March newsletter, but this one is for donations in honor of the Guild’s birthday. Please consider a donation.

Our February meeting was wonderful with a superb lunch: stuffed shells, broccoli, bread sticks, and salad. If you didn’t attend, you missed a great lunch. I want to thank the board for the desserts and Valentines chocolate hearts they provided for everyone. We then held the installation of our board members, led by Pastor Belasic. And again, I would like to thank the board for their commitment to another year. Pastor Belasic preached on the good works the Guild does and encouraged us to continue all that we do. We do make a difference. We were so caught up in the installation and in his words that we forgot to sing our songs. That was a first that we chuckled about after. All went well as we then welcomed our speaker, Mike Cosella, who spoke on Canalside and the boat tours on our waterfront. He shared many factual and humorous anecdotes on the early years until now on Canalside. What a terrific presentation that everyone seemed to enjoy.

Our March meeting will be held at GreenField Manor, the back building at The GreenFields. We will have Rachelle Francis speaking about the Millard Fillmore house, and I understand it to be a fun filled afternoon with facts and musical entertainment. We will also be revealing a few new projects for 2017 that day. David McMullen will be joining us to speak about them and answer any questions you may have. We can then put it to a vote. I hope you will attend, as your voice matters.

In April, we have our birthday card workshop, led by Gail Petschke and Norma Pickard. This benefits the residents at GreenField Health & Rehabilitation Center, and doing things like this for them is what we are all about. Please join us for this service project.

In May we have our Kentucky Derby Luncheon, so bring on the festive hats and bring your friends for a fun filled afternoon. A fitting lunch will be served and  there will be games and prizes.

Also, we will be participating in the Spring Bazaar with a baked goods table on Saturday, April 29, from 9 a.m.– 3p.m. Sign up sheets will be available at our March and April meetings. This year the GreenFields are selling raffle tickets, and each vendor will donate one item with a value of $10 or more to be displayed at their individual table. What a nice incentive and a fun way to check out all of the vendors. Come and shop! All are welcome! I hope to see you at our next meeting. Just be sure to call in your reservation by noon on Thursday, March 9.

– Peace and God’s Blessings to all!  – Judy

We all need Gods’ love and blessings!  We pray for all of our members, especially those experiencing loss of a loved one, medical needs for themselves, or caring for the medical needs of another.


The GreenFields resident


5959 Broadway
Lancaster, NY 14086

The Niagara Lutheran Health System does not discriminate in the admittance of residents or the hiring of employees relative to age, race, creed, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, sexual preference gender, gender identity, blindness, handicap, sponsor, marital status, or religion.

Niagara Lutheran Health Foundation

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