
Career Opportunities

How To Apply

On-site applications can be submitted at any site on The GreenFields campus. Receptionists are available for assistance from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., seven days a week.

PLEASE NOTE: We keep all applications on file for one year. Once you have submitted an application for a specific position, you do not need to apply again within this time frame.

To submit an application via mail, please send your resume and cover letter to:

The GreenFields
ATTN: Human Resources Recruiter
5959 Broadway
Lancaster, NY 14086

For more information, call 716.684.0202, ext. 1814, or email: Recruiter@NiagaraLutheran.org

The GreenFields resident


5959 Broadway
Lancaster, NY 14086

The Niagara Lutheran Health System does not discriminate in the admittance of residents or the hiring of employees relative to age, race, creed, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, sexual preference gender, gender identity, blindness, handicap, sponsor, marital status, or religion.

Niagara Lutheran Health Foundation

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